fredag 22 januari 2010

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Most taxidermi is now constructed with prefabricated forms made from lightweight plastic foam.

First, glass eyes are inserted and antlers attached. Next earlines are fitted and glued into the ears. The eyebrows, eyelids, and nose are sculptured on the form with soft clay, and finally the whole form is covered with an adhesive paste. The skin pressed into place and pinned while the adhesive dries. The delicate skin around the nose and eyes of some animals are painted with varnishes to reproduce living colours.

An animal's eye are particular important to get right, and glass eyes are manufactured to mimic the exact colour and size of living creatures.

Mounting a trophy head takes about 10 hours to completed, not including drying times. These step-by-step trophies were prepared by Steve Kulash Taxidermy Ltd. on Kingsway in Burnaby. They are chemical and toxin free. You may touch them, if you like.

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